Saturday, June 12, 2010

Enter Ruth Walker Sedgwick, the newest addition!

Ruthie today, 2 days old
D at the hospital--after meeting Ruthie, he bee-lined for Mum's leftover chocolate pudding...
We woke Ruth up for this picture, which is why she's so upset--poor D didn't know what to do
Ruthie at the hospital, less than one day old
The brand new Sedgie

Welcome to the world, Ruth Walker Sedgwick! Our perfect little girl arrived just after 1am on June 10, 2010, after a nice quick labour and delivery (thank goodness!) Mum and baby were home Friday afternoon and everyone is safe and sound. So far, Dawson's adjusting well, but then again Ruthie's not doing much other than eating and sleeping!

1 comment:

Grand Master I said...

Congrats! Nice work, you make it sound like easy work.... trying to lure others into the fold I see. Don't have us fooled!