At the top of Haleakala volcano.

The Tufts and the Larsens, and the Larsens' friend Dan (who happened to be doing a cycling trip of Maui--what a great way to see Hawaii...)

favourite picture of Josh!

Here's a bizarre unidentified plant: growing at the Surfing Goat Dairy, on the way up Haleakala volcano. Some of the names inscribed into this plant's leaves are more than a year old.

Giving Dad a book of stories about him, collected from friends and family over a few months before the trip. Many thanks to all those who contributed memories and stories about Dad.

The giant Banyan tree in Lahaina. It was planted in 1873, back when Lahaina was the royal centre of Hawaii, as an 8-foot tree, and now it's something like 200 feet wide, with 12 major trunks. I've never seen anything like it. I'm familiar with trees and shrubs that sucker, with new growth coming up from the ground; THIS tree drops suckers from the existing branches, and some of them root and become new trunks of the tree. It's phenomenal. And no, those kids are NOT supposed to be climbing on the branches. (I, being the quintessential kill-joy Mum, was obviously not taking this picture.)